Essay On Oil Economy In Nigeria

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Analyze the effects of the oil economy on Nigerian refugees Carmen Miller Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country, and when oil was discovered in the Niger Delta in 1958, Shell oil began production (Crude Politics). With an average output of 2.5 million barrels per day (Donatus), Nigeria has become the highest producer of crude oil in Africa and the third-highest in the world (World Factbook). Nigeria’s population growing rapidly, and is projected to reach 392 million people by 2050 (Falola), making it one of the most rapidly growing nations in the world. Its main economy is oil, contributing to approximately 95% of its exports (World Factbook). Despite a thriving oil economy, 70% of Nigerians live below the poverty line, many of them small farmers and fishermen (Falola). Since the beginning of oil production in Nigeria, the negative impacts on the ecosystems and the people who live there have been widespread (Donatus). Frequent oil spills can cause damage miles downstream, contaminating both rivers and groundwater as well as seeping into soil and killing fish and animals, making it “nearly impossible” for people to live in harmony with the Niger Delta (Crude Politics). The chief of the village of…show more content…
Nigeria has long struggled with “economic mismanagement, population explosion...unemployment...and violence of a political and religious nature” (Falola). Approximately 8% of Nigerians ages 15-24 are unemployed (World Factbook), and many of these people have migrated to other countries in the hope of finding jobs, with 40% going to African countries and 33% to European countries (World Factbook). Political violence is widespread, especially government attacks on peaceful protests, mostly those led by native people (Crude Politics). After the attacks, many of the individuals involved in the protests were either killed or fled, many of them going to Cameroon

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