Thomas Hobbes: The Idea Of No Law

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Thomas Hobbes did not like the idea of no law. Imagine living in a country without a law, therefore everyone will be out of control triggering chaos. Thomas Hobbes, the leading British philosopher of the 17th century, showed that morality should be understood as the solution to a problem that rises for self-interested human beings. For us to prosper, we need a peaceful, accommodating social contract. Hobbes called the no rule as the state of nature meaning life as solitary, poor, nasty brutish and short. In that case everyone can agree with Hobbes. Overall Hobbes believed that rational people will follow the rule. These statements led to social contract. Also connected to contractarians meaning that the right acts do not violate the free, rational…show more content…
(Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan). Hobbes believe the government should be leviathan to keep everyone on the right path. Hobbes wrote “When a man thinks that peace and self-defense require it, he should be willing to lay down his right to everything and should contented with such liberty against other men as he would allow other against himself.” (khanacademy). These ideas were built from the social contract. Hobbes pointed four facts with the state of nature of human basic lives. The first list is that there is equality of needs meaning each of us need the same basic things to survive like clothing, food, shelter. The next list is scarcity meaning we must work hard to have what’s ours, third is the essential equality of human power such as who will get the goods? And finally, there is the limited altruism prevailing in our strength. ( Rachels, James). These are a constant state of war, of one with all. To escape the state of nature, Hobbes believe that people should find ways to work
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