Mobile phone between the pros and cons The phone is a connection between people Iottd relations between them and nearly distances that can be circumstances that differentiate one family Vicu device and its uses is the only way for them to Attminan on each other to complete the kinship The phone all the services that we know and vary from one type to another is an important role and provides a great service to the people and provides a great effort on the people, whether in time or money or go or
appearance biometric is its non-intrusive nature. Therefore, face is one of the most compatible biometrics for oversight applications. Face perception is necessity in biometrics, often as a part of facial recognition system. It is also used in video surveillance and human electronic computer interface. Some novel digital cameras custom face detection for auto focus. Face detection is an electronic computer technology that limits the locations and sizes of earthborn face in arbitrary conception. It detects
CHAPTER - I INTRODUCTION “History has come to a stage when the moral man, the complete man, is more and more giving way, almost without knowing it, to make room for the commercial man, the man of limited purpose. This process aided by the wonderful progress in science, is assuming gigantic proportion and power causing the upset of man’s moral balance, obscuring his human side under the shadow of soul-less organization.”- Rabindranath Tagore, Nationalism, 1917. Aristotle felt that the purpose of