Hemodynamic Monitoring Case Study

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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds. By John.F.Kennedy The increasing sophistication of medical devices is often a mixed blessing in health – care environments. Although today’s advanced biomedical technology provides unsurpassed power in diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment, interpretation of vast streams of information generated by this new technology often poses excessive demands on the cognitive skills of health – care personnel. These problems are most severe are life- threatening and thus require immediate attention and the execution of corrective actions. “ Monitoring is making respected or continuous observation or measurement of patients, his or her physiological function, and…show more content…
By using by using invasive hemodynamic monitoring the nurse is able to evaluate the patient’s immediate response to treatment such as drugs and mechanical support. According to a study conducted by Gordon R. Bernard, MD, George Sopko in United States, the efficacy and safety of the pulmonary artery catheter are under scrutiny because of its association with increased morbidity and mortality in observational studies. A need exits for collaborative education of physicians and nurses in performing, obtaining, and interpreting information from the use of pulmonary artery catheters. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood institute (NHLBI) and the US food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted the Pulmonary Artery Catheterization and Clinical Outcomes workshop in Alexandria, on august 25 and 26, 1997, to develop recommendations regarding actions to improve pulmonary artery catheter and…show more content…
To assess the knowledge of staff nurses on hemodynamic monitoring before and after administration of planned teaching programme. 2. To observe the practice of staff nurses on hemodynamic monitoring before and after administration of planned teaching programme. 3. To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on hemodynamic monitoring before and after administration of planned teaching programme. 4. To determine the association of knowledge and practice of staff nurses on hemodynamic monitoring with the selected demographic variables. HYPOTHESIS H0 = there is no significant difference in knowledge and practice of staff nurses after administration of planned teaching programme. H1 = there is significant difference in knowledge and practice of nurses after administration of planned teaching programme. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION Assess: - (According to oxford dictionary) evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality. In the study assess is to estimate or determine the effect of planned teaching programme on hemodynamic monitoring on knowledge and practice of staff nurses. Effectiveness: - (According to oxford dictionary) the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result;

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