Which 2 Weaknesses Would You Still Like To Strengthen And Why?

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1) Why did you choose to apply to a business School? And why in particular to Antwerp Management School? Along my work experience I have encountered many meetings or projects were business formation was needed, unfortunately my undergraduate degree as an Industrial Engineer didn’t gave me the formation in business as I would have wanted, so during these situations I had to manage to get through by studying before every event I didn’t have deep understanding of the subject. This has helped me understand several business strategies but without the correct guidance they may not be used to the fullest. Antwerp Management School is the best business school in Belgium and one of the best in the world because of its innovation and approach to teaching. After making some research of the different options available, Antwerp is a school that’s stands out, a couple of specific things that leaned me towards AMS is the practical approach that it gives to education along with having the 2nd biggest port in Europe it’s a…show more content…
I would consider a weakness my knowledge on new supply chain technologies because of the lack of specialized professionals in Costa Rica that can train newcomers like myself. It is necessary to be up to date on the new technologies and techniques in supply chain to maintain a competitive business. Technology may represent the turning point on the company ability to create profit on a determinate point and each company should have the tool that can facilitate it processes. Another weakness that I would like to strengthen are my leadership skills. In the last 6 months, I’ve been given the responsibility to supervise two buyers. The experiences has lead me to learn on the way, but sometimes I have struggled with decision making because of my short experience leading functional teams. 7) What is your most significant

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