Nursing Philosophy Paper

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In order to discuss nursing philosophies, one must know what a philosophy is. A philosophy is defined as the study of the principles underlying conduct, thought, and the nature of the universe (Black, 2014, p. 261). Philosophies of nursing are statements of beliefs about nursing and expressions of morals in nursing that are used as roots for thinking and acting. Most nursing philosophies are built on a base of beliefs about individuals, environment, well-being, and nursing (Black, 2014, p. 262). Nursing is more than treating an illness; rather it is focused on delivering quality patient care that is individualized to the needs of each patient. This paper is important because nursing philosophy is the reason behind why we do what we do.…show more content…
Their nursing philosophy is part of the Plan of Nursing Care and incorporates values, beliefs and direction from the hospital's vision, mission, philosophy, and quality statements, standards of practice and standards of care, quality and performance/improvement program recommendations, the hospital plans, and physician, patient, and family input (Good, 2008, p. 1170). Good Samaritan Hospital nursing philosophy is created on the belief that health services should be provided to the public. One of the hospital’s primary goals is patient safety. Patient safety is extremely important to me. Lately, there has been way too many patient falls resulting in fractured bones, skin tears, and sometimes head trauma. As nurses, it is our duty to keep patients safe to the best of our ability. This is extremely important to me. The philosophy states, “The recognition of the individual employee worth and his/her growth and development not only adds to his/her personal and professional fulfillment, but also contributes to the improvement of patient care and to the attainment of the Hospital's Mission” (Good, 2008, p. 1170). Although, Good Samaritan Hospital may be located in a small town, we serve individuals from all surrounding counties. Nursing and good patient outcomes are not always about having a big facility and large amounts of money. Good patient care comes from a compassionate and caring environment, full of staff…show more content…
Both philosophies agree that the patient is the number one priority. Also, both philosophies discuss how important patient education is. Neither of the philosophies disagrees on anything, however, they have different components. The school’s philosophy talks about how important all education subjects are to the nursing profession. It also discusses how important critical thinking is to nurses. The hospital’s philosophy talks about how the employees’ well-being is not only good for the employees’ fulfillment but also for the patients care. While both of these philosophies share some of the same components, they also have different portions from each other. Their differences are what make each of their nursing philosophies their
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