Comparison Of Theory And Popular Nursing Theories

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Theory is regarded as a branch of science that provides a detailed insight into conceptual principles, predicting and explaining a class of phenomenon. Theory depicts some specific aspects of reality that are identified by the theorists to predict, describe, and explain responses, conditions, situations, relationships or events. Ideas or themes presented in theories are not static rather subject to change and may become obsolete, replaced by new ones. In this context, this paper will reflect on four renowned theorists; Dorthea Orem, Hildegard Peplau, Martha Rogers, and Jean Watson. The discussion in the paper will be made on theories selected and presented in the Tabular format. A section of the paper will explain a specific theory that is…show more content…
Orem defined nursing as the “act of assisting others in the provision and management of self-care to maintain or improve human functioning at home level of effectiveness.” As explained by Orem, the first idea within her perspective of theory-based nursing is that “self-care deficit theory” is a practice theory.” The second idea is that nurse select and subsequently uses self-care deficit nursing theory in practice (Renpenning & Taylor, 2003). The goal of nursing is thus to help the client restore health through self-care. Orem’s philosophy shows nursing specifically as a service needed when people cannot take care of themselves or others unable to care for them. The nurse identifies the reasons why a person is unable to care for himself/herself and adopt appropriate measures that help him/her to accomplish needs. A nurse, therefore, is dedicated to help the client to accomplish self-care as and when…show more content…
She articulated her philosophy of nursing as caring at the center of holistic care. Watson describes the combination of interventions as “carative” factors that include; humanistic-altruistic systems of values; faith-hope; sensitivity to self and others; helping-trusting, human care relationship; expressing positive and negative feelings; creative problem-solving caring process; transpersonal teaching-learning; supportive, protective, and/or corrective mental, physical, societal, and spiritual environment; human needs assistance; and existential-phenomenological-spiritual forces. Watson believes all this is possible by improving knowledge base and developing clinical competence (Watson, 1999). It is evident that Watson rejects disease as central to health care rather embraces care as the perfect model to promote health. Care takes precedence from cure and forms the standard for nursing

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