Phenomenon Of Interest

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Phenomenon of Interest: Aggression in Adolescence Aggression in adolescence continues to threaten our human kind. Early intervention in aggression management during adolescence will prevent future problems in our society. Violence, academic failure, criminal activity, and drug addiction are only a few of the problems that can result from unattended aggressive behavior. Aggression is one of the most common behaviors of childhood and adolescence, and if this behavior prevails, it will limit the ability to make certain life achievements and attain future employment (Dulcan, 2015). This behavior can also destroy relationships with siblings, parents and the community. In this paper, we will examine and explore the management of aggression…show more content…
This approach is also known as the analytical philosophy (Butts & Rich, 2015). Whereas the continental philosophy can be viewed as subjective, the analytical philosophy can be considered objective. This approach relies on biological and physiological processes, measurements and data as a source of truth (Butts & Rich, 2015). In my opinion, the sole use of medication, or the biological-based quantitative approach, is never truly holistic and if given alone would be insufficient for solving the issue of adolescent aggression. Adolescent aggression, by its very nature, is an emotional and behavioral issue. As such, the emotion-based, qualitative philosophy must be the primary approach in solving this issue. Still, the quantitative, analytical approach in advanced practice nursing could further the research that would adequately evaluate the effectiveness of the different interventions such as group therapy and community service. Data gathered could provide knowledge on how to improve and implement a universal standard of care suitable to the needs of the adolescent…show more content…
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