Nikola Tesla Outline

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Topic: Nikola Tesla General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose Statement: To inform the class about the background and accomplishments of Nikola Tesla. Introduction I. Attention Getter: What’s considered insane today is genius tomorrow. Nikola tesla was of the most brilliant minds of his time. II. Credibility Statement: As a future engineer I have had interest in learning more about the world famous engineer, Tesla. III. Relating to the Audience: Have you ever thought about the type of electricity that runs through your home? Probably not but thanks to tesla, he made a large contribution to make this possible. Or. When I was younger my parents brought me to the Rockford Art and Science Museum and there was this attraction that everyone was…show more content…
Thesis and preview statement: I’m here to inform you about Nikola Tesla’s life before America, his work with Thomas Edison, and the lasting impression he made on the world. V. Background Information: According to Henry’s article from the New York Times Tesla is considered to be one of the most influential and electrical engineers of the 20th century. Body (Transition: First of all I’ll discuss the background of Tesla, it is important to understand where he comes from.) I Main Point: Nikola Tesla’s life before his journey to the United States. A. Tesla born was in 1856 at what is now Smiljan, Croatia which lies in-between the counties of what is now known as Austria, Hungary and Serbia. 1. He had a relatively normal childhood until at the age of 7 his brother was killed in an accident this troubled Tesla, he started seeing visions and little as we knew this was the first signs of his lifelong illness. 2. According to the Corrosion Doctors, “Tesla suffered from peculiar affliction in which blinding flashes of light would appear before his eyes, often accompanied by hallucinations.” B. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree when Tesla at an early age showed extraordinary skills in electrical invention regardless of his mental…show more content…
Though Edison was a very smart man, Tesla had some new innovate ideas that Edison did not want to hear. a. Edison the business man he was promises to pay Tesla $50,000 if he can improve the performance of Edison’s D.C generator. He failed to pay after Tesla accomplished leading to his resignation. b. At this point in time Tesla had been thinking a lot of his alternate current motor idea but had no backers to help him fund his idea. 2. Tesla started the Electric Light Company in April of 1887. a. He invented a high efficiency arc lamp which in essential was a very bright light capable of lighting a factory or the streets of a city. b. Tesla was not making any money because of the cruel investors he was eventually pushed out of his own company after his idea of the alternating current motor. B. Tesla invented the nearly impossible – the alternating current motor. 1. After the invention of the alternating current motor he went on to patent 20 different modifications for said motor in a span of two year (PBS – AC Motor). a. This discovery launched a new era of the heavy electrical industry. b. Enabling the motor to be reversed with the switch of electrical current made it the ideal motor to use instead of Direct Current
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