Differences Between The House Of Representatives And The Senate

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Differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate Congress is made up the House of Representatives and the Senate. These two groups make up what is known as the legislative Branch. This Branch is part of three branches of power. This one branch can both write and vote the law. Even if both the House of Representatives and the Senate are from the same branch there is many differences between the both parties and each one hold different types of responsibilities. There are also differences between being a member of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The U.S House of Representatives make and pass laws. The House makes up one of congresses two chambers, the House and the Senate. It also makes up part of the legislative Branch. The amount of voting representatives according by law can be no more than 435 and represents the Nations population. The number of representatives by state depends on the number of population within each state. These members represent the people who vote. Representatives can serve no more than two years per term and carry out duties like introducing bills and finding resolutions. Other responsibilities include impeachment and in the rare event that the Electoral College cannot elect the president.…show more content…
The senate is responsible for conflicts and interest. There are exactly two senators that represent each state, unlike the representatives who are elected by population. This means that there are a total of 100 senators who represent the states. Senators serve for six year terms and there is no limit as to how many times a senator can be reelected. Senators can vote on passing bills and introducing a bill but cannot introduce bills that raise any sort of revenue, for example, taxes. However they senate is allowed to either decline or pass revenue
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