Philippine Ips Case Study

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Philippine IPs has been experiencing historical discrimination and marginalization from political processes and economic benefit for over a hundred years. They often face exclusion, loss of ancestral lands, displacement, pressures to and destruction of traditional ways of life and practices, and loss of identity and culture. In extreme situations, social and political discontent has erupted into armed conflict – the 40-year old armed conflict in Mindanao, involving secessionists and communist insurgents is a prime example. Conflicts such as these not only threaten the stability and development potential of affected areas, they exacerbate the plight of indigenous peoples. From economic development to environmental protection to justice, human…show more content…
They experience neglect and discrimination in the provision of basic social services by the Government. The 2008 budget shows that regions with highest concentrations of indigenous peoples get the smallest allocations from the national government. Thus, social service provision in indigenous territories is far below that of the rest of the country. The general health situation in regions and provinces with the largest concentrations of indigenous peoples is below the national average. Indigenous peoples experience seasonal to chronic food shortages during the year. Health and nutrition problems, which should be preventable and treatable, continue to persist. This is due to the continued absence or lack of basic health personnel, facilities, resources and information in these extremely poor upland groups. One factor, that most probably the major factor causing food insecurity and poverty among indigenous peoples is the loss of ancestral land due to displacement by development projects and extractive industries including mining, dams, logging or natural causes. Another factor is environmental degradation –destruction of forests, pollution of waters and loss of agro biodiversity as a result of impacts of extractive industries and agriculture modernization (IFAD,

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