Negative Effects Of Inflation

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Understanding Inflation The difference in price of a product 10 years ago in relation to a product these days is totally perceptible. This is due to economic changes in the world due to economic events such as inflation and deflation, with the increase or decrease in the price of various products in the global market. But only few people really know the negative effects of inflation in the world of economics. One famous example is the EconLand case. EconLand was an imaginary nation that implemented a monetary policy that increased significantly the supply of money and credit. Because of this implement, the nation suffered a big increase inflation rate of about 10%, causing a high increase of the prices. This example is very complex to…show more content…
Some negative effects are: first, increasing unemployment. Countries that couldn't inflation suffer decreased a lot the investment in the productive sector, increasing unemployment rates. Second, the elevation of the interest rate. At high interest rates, the consumption decreases, forcing the prices to fall. But higher interest rates discourage borrowing, consequently reducing domestic investment in the productive sector. Third, the bad impression that the Country will have about their economy. With a high level of inflation, the Country will be seen in the international market in a negative way, so large companies and investors will avoid making investments at this country because of his bad economy. Lastly, the price of other countries money will increase and the prices of imported objects too. While the currency of the country depreciates, the other (especially the dollar) does the reverse. If this country with high inflation is very dependent on imports, imported products increase in price, a fact that further fuels the rise in…show more content…
The imagine nation that suffered a big increase inflation rate of about 10%, causing a high increase of the prices. Probably, the implementation to a monetary policy that increased significantly the supply of money and credit is the cause of the rise of the inflation. This rise increased the demand of the products, and the prices increased. The purchasing power of the people have decreased a lot, because the price of the products has increased and they’re not able to buy it. Because of the inflation in EconLand one of the consequences is the recession, which is a downturn in economy that follows a peak. With the inflation, people will buy less products but the prices is constantly increasing, causing recession. With a high inflation, there will be less investment in the external economy, because the prices are very high, and with this, companies will not invest in the country, because the inflation is high and also the economy of the land will be less reliable, with the difficulty of predicting prices. But there will be more internal investment, because the chances of profit are higher. This is an ownership investment. And finally, the unemployments would also rise, because with a high inflation, the demand of the products falls, causing the decline of the
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