Nature Vs Nurture In Psychology

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Student I.D. Number: 85230126 Module Name: Richard Reeves Assignment Title: Application of Psychological and Psychometric Assessment Essay, Assessment etc. Nature versus Nurture debate. Class Code: 8536 Lecturer: Harry Dickinson Word Count: 1038 In relation to this submission, I have read and am aware of the Institutes Policy on Exam Procedures and Plagiarism. Student Signature: Richard Reeves Submission Date: 23 / 11 /2017 Nature versus Nurture What is intelligence? One of the most talked about and controversial areas of psychology is the debate of nature versus nurture in Human intelligence. It is the intellectual power of humans. This debate I will introduce my finding to support…show more content…
The best-known example is the, social learning explanation of aggression, using the Bobo doll. In 1961, the Canadian-American psychologist, Albert Bandura (1925-) conducted a controversial experiment examining the process by which new forms of behaviour and, aggression is learnt.” Bandura proposed that much of what we learn is through observation and vicarious reinforcement. E.g., Bandura demonstrated this in his Bobo doll experiments”. He found that children who watched an adult role model being rewarded for aggression towards an inflatable doll, tended to imitate that behaviour when later their own with a Bobo doll. This supports the idea that personality is determined by nurture rather than nature. This provides us with model of how to behave. However, such behaviour becomes part of an individual’s behavioural range through direct reinforcement – when a behaviour is imitated, it can receive direct…show more content…
With an individual’s gene it could determine a person’s way to act and behave in different ways. “it does not make people do things” (Scott, 1995). This states that we do have a choice of who you will and can be, when we grow up. Social scientists gradually understand the extent of the interactions that take place between nature and nurture. The presence of genes does not by solely ensure that an attribute will be evident. Genes require the suitable environments for natural tendencies to be fully articulated. These "proper environments" consist not only of natural environs but also of individuals' social and symbolic setting (Westen 2002). But even for intermediary heritability’s a trait is always shaped by both genetic dispositions and the environments in which people develop, merely with greater and lesser plasticity’s associated with these heritability measures. All in all, nature relies on nurture and vice versa and hence both coexist

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