Natural Selection And Common Evolution And Charles Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

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Charles Darwin was born in 1809. He studied both medicine and theology before he travelled to the Galapagos Islands on a British mapping expedition. Darwin became interested in the natural world which was initiated when he observed how different species of birds appeared in different environments. Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace developed the theory of evolution which was a major step in science (Keegan, 2011). His writings were based on 5 principles that he put together from his observations: Perpetual change, Multiplication of species – how new species are created via the transformation of existing species, Gradualism – how large differences in characteristics among species are the result of the culmination of many small gradual changes that occur continuously over a long period of time, Natural selection – how there is genetic variation within populations that are inheritable and those that have advantageous characteristics have a better chance of survival and reproduction and Common Descent. Common descent – how all species have descended from a common ancestor. His theory stated that all organisms currently living on the earth share a common genetic heritage. This meant that all living organisms descended from a single original species and the last common ancestor is believed to have been on earth about 3.9 billion years ago. This…show more content…
There is asymmetry in how natural selection and common ancestry relate to each other in Darwin’s theory as natural selection need not have caused any of the traits we observe today to get evidence for common ancestry. However, when looking for evidence for natural selection, Darwin thought of present day animals as tracing back to common ancestors. In his theory he insinuated that the adaptations that occur in natural selection are modifications of ancestral traits (Sober,

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