George Ledyard Stebbins

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George Ledyard Stebbins lived a long fulfilling for botany and his family. His family, education, and devotion to his studies helped contribute to his success. George Ledyard Stebbins is a man known for being one of the leading evolutionary biologists of the twentieth century. He became known as the ¨father of evolution¨. This man would never had been who he had become without his hard work and dedication. George Ledyard Stebbins Jr.'s father and mother is George and Edith Stebbins. He was born January 6, 1906. George Ledyard grew up with a love for plants and animals which was the first sparked of interest in his life of botany. His parents supported his obsession with learning more of nature. Throughout his childhood, starting at the age…show more content…
enrolled in Harvard University. George entered college with a plan of studying law. He quickly decided to change his masters degree in botany. In 1931 he graduated with a Ph.D. in botany. After George graduated he became a lecturer at A college called Colgate University in Hamilton, New York. Around 1935 he joined the University of California in Berkeley, New York. His first Major research was on the ¨cytogenetics of the genus Crepis (now family Asteraceae) under the guidance and sponsorship of Ernest B. Babcock, a geneticist and pioneer in plant breeding.¨ (V.B. Smocovitis). While George still working with Babcock he continued his own study in cytogenetics. In 1939 George had a place set for him at Berkeley. In 1950 George left Berkeley campus to go to the university of California. He established the department of Genetics in the University of California. He eventually retired in…show more content…
¨George Ledyard Stebbins, one of the foremost scientists of the twentieth century, died in his home in Davis, California on January 19,2000.¨( Gale Thomson ) The cause of his death was cancer. George's family that he loved and them supported him made what he wanted to do with his life possible. ¨His scientific career spanned most of the twentieth century and included three primary areas of research: botany, genetics, and evolution. He is especially well known for his masterful synthesis of these three areas his 1950 book Variation and Evolution in Plants. More than any other, this book formed the conceptual backbone of the new science of plant evolutionary biology and guided an entire generation of plant evolutionists. As a result of writing this book, Stebbins is generally regarded as the botanical "architect" of the evolutionary synthesis, ranking alongside other notable figures such as Theodosius Dobzhansky, Ernst Mayr, G. G. Simpson, and Julian Huxley.¨ ( Gale

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