National Physical Plan

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NATIONAL PHYSICAL PLAN National Physical Plan (NPP) is a written statement that summarizes the strategic policies to determine the direction for physical development and conservation for all of Peninsular Malaysia. NPP has been approved by the National Physical Planning Council (NPPC) on 26th of April 2005. This approval means that the National Physical Plan now needs to be made as a guide in physical planning and practiced at a federal level and in states all over Peninsular Malaysia, the National Physical Planning Council shall be promoted in the country, within the framework of the national policy, town and country planning as an effective and efficient instrument for the improvement of the physical environment and towards the achievement…show more content…
It DTCP provided by State Director and approved by the State Planner Committee and need to be agreed by the State Authorities. Selangor State Structure Plan 2020 has been gazette in the State Government Gazette No. 1541 Gazette on 14th of June 2007. This Structure Plan is to be assess and approved by the State Planning Committee that responsible in gazette it as legal development control instrument that must be follow in any development or urbanization events within the State authority. The policies of State Structure Plan can be divided into 3 main categories which are general policy, subject policy and specific area policy. General policy is a policy about the interpretation and written statement derived and formulated from the main diagram, illustration and development action area. Subject policy is a policy which detailed on the general policy and formed by certain subject based on its appropriation and state strategic issues. Specific area policy is a policy which is specific towards certain planning area or particular zone…show more content…
The translation and details of the National Spatial Plan in the state level should limit the planning policies which provide the strategiv work structure for the local plan formulation and consistent in development via basic subject, indicate the scale and location of the land use with indicative and to identify the area that should be preserved. Therefore, the State Structure Plan should be categorized with clear policy statement and action oriented, more towards the mission and objective of State Structure Plan, and Inline with the development state vision. In the context of scope of study, the State Structure Plan can be divided into 3 packages in general, which is regional structure and macro-economic package, spatial planning package and support sectors package. For the spatial planning and support sector, there are some differences on the former plan and the recent format of the plan. The content should be added with the rural settlement study and development corridors. Each rural planning strategies and policies should be in state level and determine the boundary of the urban limit for future of development corridor

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