Political Symbolism In 1984

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O Brother, Where Art Thou? Oh Right, Everywhere When thinking of Earth’s future it is not rare to be optimistic, and dream of a society very different from the one that a person is currently living in today. When fantasizing about one’s own utopia, it can easily be forgotten that the future may be everything but great. Instead of picturing a free society where everybody's happy and gets along, imagine the complete opposite. This dystopian world exists in the novel 1984 by George Orwell. 1984 is a revolutionary political novel that conveys many significant messages to warn the future generations about the dangers of having a totalitarian society. Although the novel was written in 1949, the story portrays the possible future of a society if…show more content…
The novel's main protagonist, Winston Smith, is a citizen of Oceania, one of the world's three super-states. The story takes place in the year of 1984, in Winston’s hometown, Airstrip One, an ironic dystopian wasteland that was once the hub of culture and intellectual expression. Winston is a member of the Party, which rules Oceania under the…show more content…
As the reader follows Winston’s journey, Orwell immediately transfers his warnings and predictions through various themes, and in turn, makes practical and effective use of strong symbols to give these themes an intense importance in order to portray just how influential and dominant Big Brother really is in Oceania. The Party floods residents of Oceania with a psychological motivation that is designed to overwhelm the mind’s capacity for independent thought and individualism. It also uses advanced methods of technology to control and monitor one’s every move. For example, telescreens symbolize the physical and mental control Big Brother constantly has over its subjects. Yet Winston, who although is somewhat controlled by Big Brother, manages to somewhat diverge during his lifetime while trying to learn the truth about Oceania. Moreover, Orwell portrays the themes of intellectual rebellion and ultimate control through the unique symbols of a simple, yet beautiful, glass paperweight. This represents Winston’s desire to go against Big Brother and connect with the true history of Oceania, which is something completely forbidden by the Party. It is commonly assumed by most people that Orwell’s main purpose for writing 1984 was to warn future generations about the dangers of a totalitarian government. Orwell

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