Mythology In Greek Mythology

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Greek mythology is the collection of myths and teachings concerning the gods and heroes, as well as the origins and the significance of the traditions and rituals. Greek myths were evolving creations, constantly adapting themselves in the different periods of times. "In ancient Greece, as in other traditional societies, these tales existed only in the poetic or artistic forms in which they were set down" (Calame 2009, preface). The archeology findings are a principal source of the comprehension of the Greek mythology since these tales and legends featured prominently in the decoration of many artifacts. Among these historical items many were found in remote territories of the Greek area. The mosaic of The drunken Silenus on a Panther is one of many that were found in Byblos. The latter is a mosaic that is displayed in the National Museum of Beirut and dates from the Roman period from around…show more content…
Clearly the holidays followed the moon calendar that corresponded to festivals for the various deities. The celebrations included processions, singing, dancing, sacrifice and so on. They were usually hosted in chambers or spaces decorated with artifacts such as mosaics. These last-mentioned were basically used for floors and footpaths therefore they have specific characteristics which differ to other media that is used for decoration. They are made out of material that is long-lasting and that has to resist heavy conditions like extreme weather or lots of peoples stepping on it. Nevertheless 300 years have shown in the upper right of the mosaic where some pebbles are missing. Thus this mosaic of Silenus was probably found in one of the chambers where the ceremonies and the festivals were held to give a specific occupation to the space in which they were hosted. Pebble mosaics are usually found as far west as Sicily and, in the east, in the Greek

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