Moulin Rouge Analysis

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In the north of Paris lie the dark crowded streets of Mont Martre, home to many bars, cafes, cabarets, and nightclubs, which drew a multitude of freethinkers to the area. These individuals, be they artists, students, writers, musicians, or dancers, who defied mainstream culture and its ideals came to Mont Martre to be apart of a community and a movement that lived life contrarily to that of the third republic. This new bohemian culture strove to move away from the decadent living style of the ‘bourgeoisie’, its conservative morals, and corrupt politics. This counter culture movement strove to move away from the norms poop of society in every aspect. This allowed for new art forms and techniques to emerge in a movement called impressionism.…show more content…
Why would Lautrec portray these people, who he has had in his compositions before performing and proud, in such a melancholic way when they are seated in the lively atmosphere of the Moulin Rouge? As stated in the art historical break down by art historian Reinhold Heller, from the Art institute of Chicago, that there is mystery around the date of completion of the composition at the Moulin Rouge. It has been theorized to have been completed sometime between 1892-1995, and Heller believes it to be the latter part of 1895. His reasoning to this conclusion breaks down into a few points. Primarily, Lautrec’s style, like any artist who came before his or came after him, changed and evolved his artistic style with new influences and with growth. Therefore At the Moulin Rouge is less reminiscent of his works in the early 1890’s but rather more similar to his works in 1895 and 1896. The stylistic method and composition in the ‘Salon In The Rue Des Moulins’ completed in 1894 is far more similar in style than other works such as ‘La Goulue arriving at the Moulin rouge” and “ at the Moulin Rouge a…show more content…
These innovative posters truly illustrated the decadence and gaiety of the different dance halls, theaters, and clubs. The lithograph print ‘the English man at the Moulin Rouge’ shows a man flirting with one woman while her friend stand to the side. The woman is presumably Jane Avril because of the extremely orange-red hair, also the fact that the two women who seem to be dancers at the Moulin Rouge are in bright vibrant colors, almost neon, whereas the man is a brown silhouette with flowing black lines which thicken and thin with his form. The bright colors of the two women’s dresses and hair are complimentary with the background, which is the Moulin Rouge. This shows that they have a connection with the location, and it shows that they are livelier because they live in such an environment. And on the contrary the man, who appears to be an aristocratic gentlemen in dress and in manor, is a drab and dull brown showing the ultimate dismal and unfortunate nature of the bourgeoisie. Through this print Lautrec illustrated that through the bohemian lifestyle he lives that there is so much color and life and in the life of riches he left behind there is only a dismal existence that awaits, and the aristocrats can only flirt with the bohemian way of living. Through this print Lautrec seems to put his foot down as

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