Mermaids In Greek Mythology

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Myth, by definition, is a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. Obviously, the figure of mermaids when first came into people’s mind is a mythological, aquatic creature with a head, arms, and torso that very much resemble a human female and with the tail of a fish. The roots of mermaid myths are more diverse than one would expect. In modern literature, mermaids are usually attached with one singular image—exceptionally beautiful and benevolent to human. In most cases of ancient tales though, mermaids are depicted with a dramatically distinct view. This article seeks to introduce the origination and adaptations…show more content…
The earliest known mermaid legend is attributed to Syria and can be dated back to 1000 B.C. According to myth, the Syrian Goddess Atargatis dives into a lake and manages to take the form of a fish after killing her lover, but the water couldn’t conceal her divine beauty and only the bottom half of her body becomes fish. As the legend evolved over time and mixed with Greek culture, Atargatis developed into her Greek counterpart Aphrodite in the mythology of Pisces. Later times, the legends of mermaids generally stemmed from the Homer’s epic “The Odyssey” where Siren of the Aegean Sea, the most popular evolvement of mermaid has arisen. Throughout history, the bird-like, not so charming picture of Siren was widely accepted and assimilated into different cultures including British Isles, and parts of Europe. Later literature works like the Arabian “One Thousand and One Nights” and the Chinese “In Search of the Supernatural” also had transformation and readaptation of…show more content…
Andersen semi-punishes and rewards the kind-hearted little mermaid as she fails to marry the prince but does acquire an eternal soul. Though for me, moral behind this fairy tale, other than being “women can be rewarded by doing good and sacrifice for men”, is “watch what you are craving for”, “a woman should never give up her most precious property” and “forgiveness is the essence of altruism and agape”, Mr. Andersen nevertheless initiates a new tradition of depicting mermaids in a positive way. As the mythology of mermaids stretches worldwide, many cultures see them as signs of good fortune and believe they possess magical powers ranging from the ability to cure disease to own beauty that never fades and even to being capable of bestow eternity to

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