Social Non-Profit Innovation

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Social Non-Profit Innovation Abstract The society today has become progressively more interconnected, and this has ultimately resulted in the emergence of newer and more efficient technologies. Non-profits have not been left behind, for they too have benefitted from the application of the various technologies driving other sectors forward and this goes on to show how pervasive social technologies can be among the standout technologies driving non-profits are those that are concerned with social media, crowdsourcing, charity, volunteerism, and disaster recovery. The five thematic areas can be said to the real drivers at the core of non-profits. Intrinsically, non-profits are dependent on outside financing, human resources and hence the reason…show more content…
Using the data they gather through various technologies applied, non-profits now have access to software systems like GiveMob, HelpBridge and CheckInForGood all of which bring efficiency to fundraising and proper relay of funds. The technologies have now virtually made anyone with access to a mobile phone or a bank to donate to the non-profit of choice. Consequently there currently an influx of new players in the sector and this brings about increased service delivery.On the other hand, the technology brings in a whole range of opportunities; such as increased membership as more and more donate, increased awareness, a growth of the organization, volunteerism and so…show more content…
The technology in this context is that which focuses on ways through which social non-profits innovations can be of use to the non-profits and go beyond just fundraising and head towards enabling social change. Social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, and WeChat and so on are very effective in fundraising, communication, charity and in all other aspects. In addition to social media, mobile platforms, global positioning systems, videography tools are some of the most widely applicable current tools that are used by the various not-for-profit organizations. The Ontario non-profit Network (ONN) is a system of systems made out of open advantage associations working for different reasons crosswise over Ontario. ONN encourages cross-sectorial coordinated effort on issues influencing our segment and helps build our ability to take an interest in broad daylight arrangement examinations with the goal that we can move towards a situation ready to bolster the changing needs of philanthropic associations in Ontario and by expansion, the groups they serve. We perceive that the segment is made out of numerous sub-divisions that may be controlled by subject (environment, performing expressions, volunteers, and so
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