My Shoes Speech

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“My shoes with a speaker on is gone!” One week ago after school, one of a boy named Jacob Lynn was playing video game with his best friend Jack Thompson, as always. Jacob and Jack are best friend, and they hang out at Jacob’s house four times a week. Lynn’s family is one of the richest family in the town, which led them to have any kinds of video games, comics, and movies, at a huge house. They especially have shoes the most, because Jacob loves wearing a cool shoes, such as shoes that lights, and that allows him to fly a little bit. He always ask his parents to buy one if they release a new type, and he has total 500 pair of shoes. Because Jacob always shows off his shoes to everyone including Jack; who also loves shoes, Jack was jealous all…show more content…
Jacob was very serious, but Jack was laughing inside. They kept asking people until 8:00pm, but no one knew about Jacob’s shoes. Jacob was crying like a dog, and talked to his parents about it. Almost everyone in the town knows about this problem, and it became one of the biggest news in the town. Jack started to worry whether someone would find who stole Jacob’s shoes, but he thought it would be just fine. That night, Jacob talked to Jack about his shoes very seriously. “That shoes were a special one. I got it from my grandpa who died last week, and that is very important for me.”, said Jacob. When Jack heard this, he started to feel sorry for the first time. He did not know that a pair of shoes he stole was given by Jacob’s grandfather and it is very vital for him. Jack did not know what to do, but he decided to keep it secret because he was too scared that his friendship with Jacob will…show more content…
Jacob came out of the door and said, “I do not want to see your face anymore”. Jack did not give up, “I will talk to you the truth, I will be honest”. Jacob let Jack in the house and sat down on the sofa. “I am very sorry Jacob that I stole your shoes. I feel so dumb of what I have done. I did not know that it was given by your grandfather, and I…” Jack freezes, and started to cry. Jacob stared at Jack’s face for a second, and he started to think about some good memories that he had spent time with Jack. “I am very sorry, I would never do the same thing again. Could I still be friend with you?.”, asked Jack. “Give me 24 hours, I will think about it.” Jacob responded. Next day, Jacob was at the school, with a big box. “I still cannot believe what you have done, but I think I can trust you one more time.” said Jacob, “Here is a present for you, Happy Birthday Jack.” Today was Jack’s birthday. When he opened the box there was a pair of shoes with a speaker on in the
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