Walter Dialectical Journal

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March 2005, little did I know my life would be forever changed. A beautiful person with a handsome face announced his presence as Sergeant King. I was blind to the revelation that he would be the love of my soul-mate. How could a person give so much love to another person? I don't know, but it happened to me. I never believed in love at first sight; however, I am now convinced that it's not about sight, but more about seeing. I see now that love doesn't have a bell that rings or butterflies that files. It has substance that grows like the life of a tree. Walter, my life has been forever changed because of you. I always yearned for the answer of what is love. Now I know. Love is you. You have made me know the true meaning of love. Walter, know that the love you give me is irreplaceable. Each time you look at me, each time you tell me, each time you comfort me, each time you let me know that everything is okay, each time you supported me good or bad, each time you were there for me and each time you made love to me. When we make love, I fall deeper in love with you.…show more content…
Way to go dude, but then we everything worked out when we dated at Chili's instead. While we were at Chili's, you proceeded to kiss me and I pulled away. Well, truthfully, I wanted to kiss you back, but I had to keep you in check. We started a dating relationship from that point that led us to the Olive Garden. I owe the Olive Garden a debt of gratitude because that is where we kissed for the first time. Oh my GOD, as you know, we both felt the electricity something I know neither of us had every felt before in our lives. What was come was my reality that I had just fallen in love with you. I knew I wanted you in my life. I also knew that you would put me before anyone else and that was exactly what I

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