High School Graduation Speech

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Black families in Stamps consider graduating as a prestigious step into a new level in life. Their whole community is radiant with delight as their children prepare to walk the stage. One guest speaker puts an unpleasant taste in Marguerite’s mouth. He starts to describe all the upcoming improvements for the other “white” school, but doesn’t discuss the achievements of her school. She starts to feel bereaved about graduating now and so does everyone, her family, friends, and community, around her. But they catch a little bit of hope before the end of the ceremony. Graduation is important to Marguerite and the people of Stamps because before the 1940s, many African Americans couldn’t graduate. Many of them were not allowed to attend school. Once times changed and they were able to learn and get a highschool diploma, they were only limited to being trained Negro youths to be maids, cooks, farmers, and baby nurses. Black people weren’t seen as doctors and lawyers back in those times. In the story, Marguerite says, “Parents who could…show more content…
Everyone is the crowd went from feeling proud to sorrowful in an instant. In his speech, Donleavy went on and stated how there were going to be some “wonderful” changes the children had coming. The Central School, the white school, had many improvements in store for them. Famous artists from Little Rock to teach them, getting new equipment for their laboratories, and so much more. The only good thing he could say about Lafayette County School was, “one of the first-line football tacklers at Arkansas Agricultural and Mechanical College had graduated from good ole Lafayette County Training School.” Donleavy continued to express all the good athletes that come from their school. He didn’t praise them on academics, nor did he acknowledge the graduating classes. He was focused on the black athletes that go on and continue to make them
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