Case Study Of The Multotec Group

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Introduction: Established by Mr. E.J Holtz and Mr. Roy Coltman in 1973. The Multotec Group is a worldwide organisation, with head offices in Johannesburg, South Africa. Their fundamental industry is the supply of products and services to the mining, mineral beneficiation and power generation industries. Multotec has helped businesses in the mining, mineral processing, petrochemical and power generation industries to optimise their operations through the development and manufacture of high-quality, application-specific process equipment and solutions for over 40 years, (Multotec, 2014). Offered as part of a total processing solution, Multotec’s expertise boost production processes to guarantee a lower cost-per-ton (Multotec, 2014). Multotec…show more content…
Multotec differentiates by its preofessional knowledge of the process tegnology, innovative high quality products and solutions. Multotec strives to maintain a competent and contented team in which the individual’s contribution is valued (Multotec,…show more content…
It is important to manage relationships with media representatives according to Mrs. Wilson. The most important part of Mrs. Wilson’s job is to ensure the company’s image is protected in an appropriate, organized, and reliable manner. Another responsibility is to support and improve collaborative working relationships within the media and publicity community. Mrs. Wilson needs to manage the flow of news about Multotec to the media. An important aspect is to gather and broadcast appropriate information to the media and staff members of Multotec. It is essential to create effective communication channels between the media and Multotec. Sometimes Mrs. Wilson needs to be the spokesperson on behalf of Multotec to address questions and complaints. It is significant to improve relationships with national and international press contacts to ensure Multotec’s reputation, to promote and deflect criticism throughout the whole world. A great part of her responsibilities is to oversee press events and to make sure the whole event runs smoothly. Mrs. Wilson needs to detect public relations issues as they develop and report them directly. Multotec uses internal and external articles for staff members and clients, so it’s important to compose and edit press releases for both internal and external

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