My Personal Essay: The Importance Of Reading Books

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In my free time I like to read, spend time with my family, devote time to our church and play volleyball with my friends. I have always enjoyed reading books. I began the Harry Potter series when I was in first grade, and since then I haven’t stopped reading. My family and I like to go on trips together when we are on breaks from school. I am a Christian and I am an active member in my church. Also, I play volleyball and tennis, although I play the latter more for fun, than for competition. My parents gave me a Kindle because of my love for reading, but I really prefer a book with a hard cover. I love the smell and feel of the pages, and the sound when you turn from one page to another. My bookshelf is now littered with all of the books I have enjoyed. While I am reading a book, I like to put little notes in the sidebars which I go back to a lot, just to see what I thought about it. I have sticky tabs, which I use to mark pages of books with my favorite scenes or quotes. I like to go through them sometimes, the notes on the sidebars and the tabs, just to remember reading the book and to look at what I thought about it back then.…show more content…
We have gone on so many great trips together, and we usually get along well. As a family, we went skiing for my mother’s birthday in both 2016 and 2017. My mother’s birthday is on December 31, so we usually spend winter break together, celebrating. We traveled to Orlando, Florida for spring break last year, and we have gone to Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mexico and several other places. We love and support each other (even with the occasional sibling rivalry), and I am thankful that whether at home playing a board game or driving to Texas, we are there for eachother. No matter what happens, I know I can count on my family as they can count on
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