Personal Narrative Essay: The Father Of The Great Grandmothers

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I gazed at the deep blue ocean, the waves were swirling along the ocean floor. I was bound to depart Salonika in 30 minutes, which would be my fifteenth voyage. Then, this strange boy walked past me, he had rugged clothes, ungroomed hair and had eyes exactly like my late grandmothers; which had brought back many memories. I was born on April 30, 1913, in Macedonia, Greece. I was the only child and my Grandmother was the only one there to help my Mother give birth to me, as my Father was heroically fighting in the war. I was named after him, Alexandro Jnr. We had never met because he enlisted before I was born and then died due to trench foot. Once my Mother was told the news, we had to move to Kranos, Greece because money was running tight and…show more content…
I saw you on the street and wanted to come and introduce myself”. She looked at me and gave out the most captivating smile. “Damara…” she gushed. She spoke gently as the waves in the ocean. After many dinners and lunch outings, Damara had met my mother and grandmother. They loved her, and soon enough I met Damara’s parents. Three months later, I would ask for her hand in marriage and then marry another 6 months after that. It was now time for me to provide for my wife. Jobs were hard to find, especially since I didn’t have an education from when I was younger. The only job available was on a ship, as one of the crew members. I was excited to finally be able to provide for someone that I love! And Damara showed that she was very grateful for it, although she didn’t have too. Two months before my first voyage, Damara and I were blessed with a miracle. She was three months pregnant. But sadly, my grandmother had passed away and wouldn't be there to see her only great-grandchild. I would, however, still endure my job, come back and teach my baby everything that I would have learnt. We said our goodbyes, Mother took a photo and I kissed Damara for the last time until I came back. That was the start of our new

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