My Passion For English

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I am a Saudi Arabian woman who has dedicated her life to studying English to higher levels. I hold a bachelor degree in the English Language from Taif University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I have been awarded a scholarship by the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia to pursue a higher degree in education and I am eager to do so. My long-term goal is to become an English instructor and, ultimately, to improve the way we teach English in our schools. My passion for English started way back in my intermediate school when I began studying the subject as part of the first-year curriculum offered by my school. At first, I was fascinated by the way the English language is written and spoken. I was also fascinated by the beauty and thought…show more content…
What started off as a mere childhood dream has grown into a strong passion that forms the core of the motivation to study English to higher levels. As a result, a master degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) will not only satisfy my desire to study the English language to higher levels, but it will also give me the chance to explore new techniques about teaching English to non-English speakers. Therefore, I strongly believe that a master degree in TESOL will provide me with the challenges and opportunities that will guide my career trajectory to higher heights. In fact, up until now, English has helped me to see life in a totally different way. Consequently, I have decided that TESOL will be the way to go, as I prepare to build a full-time career of a…show more content…
Hard work is unavoidable for anybody, who wishes to be excellent and develop constantly. I can assure you that I am a hardworking person in all that I set to do. Whether it is in class or in extracurricular activities, I do my best to achieve the desired results and goals. For instance, now that I am working with my mother business, I am doing all that is possible to come up with the best work. I believe in example leadership that is leading to one’s actions. If I want my colleagues to do well, I must do better to influence and be a good example for them. I must admit that I really have a strong desire to apply for the TESOL program at Nazareth College. I know my strengths and weaknesses even better than I could imagine some years ago. As a result, I can state that I will do my best to prove the hopes of people, who believe in me and support me. Therefore, I believe that I am fit to be enrolled in the TESOL program at Nazareth College. I feel that I can be useful for the University as well as it is useful for me. In fact, this is very important to realize that there is not only the use that one can get, but there is also something that one can give as well. Therefore, with my strong determination and self-motivation that drives my desire to achieve pre-set goals, I am almost certain that I will manage to undertake any courses and research in the English language to the levels highlighted above. As a result,

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