My Literacy Journey

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Illiteracy didn’t mean anything to me except the inability to read and write, although it is an important aspect of being illiterate, but overtime I realized that illiteracy is more than that; it is a life journey of continuous education. My literacy journey started since I was a little child, I remember being a self-learner, especially because I am the second child in my family between two boys and there is not big difference in our ages, so my mother was busy taking care to my little brother and teaching my youngest brother . But my parent helped me by buying to me kids magazine and stories and that gives me the passion to read books from early age, even before kinder garden I was a good reader for a child. I remember the time I stayed home alone I used to sneaks into my mother’s small library and enjoy reading her books. I used to read the sentence with aloud voice and slowly. My father was working in far area and we see him only in weekends, when he was at work I used to annoy him with my calls to remind him not to forget to bring books and when he comes he brings us many educational books and magazines, my brother were busy playing and watching TV, while I was with one of these books enjoying flipping paper after paper.…show more content…
In my teenage my thought and life around me developed in so many aspects, we had one computer in the house; my brother and I used to share it together. And even through this develop in technology I continued my self-learning through searching on line about any question comes into my mind, also YouTube and movies was my best teachers in my teenage to learn the English as a second language, practicing English was fun with my family, especially the time I spend with my father when he correct for me my mistakes in
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