My Intercultural Communication Experience

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Before the beginning of my internship, I was supposed to choose three competences, which I would like to work on and improve. Firstly, I have chosen “Ability to communicate in one’s own and foreign languages using the appropriate terminology in this subject area”. Since I work at the moment with a lot of translations, I am able to expand my vocabulary, especially in German. The original data are in German and since in English part there are a lot of mistakes, I could not rely on it and I was required to work with the German version. Even though, it is definitely more time consuming, I am glad, because I am not forgetting this language, as I was afraid at first. Moreover, the terminology and the topic area are totally different from what I…show more content…
First of all, my intercultural communication skills are a great advantage when communicating with people from another cultures and the ability to work in a multicultural team is a great advantage too. It has also learned me a patience which I believe is one on the essential features of a proper intercultural understanding. For some people it just simply takes more time to express their thoughts and ideas, especially in a different language and therefore, the patience is a necessary attribute to the intercultural communication. During my internship, I have noticed a few times that some of my colleagues did not understand certain behavior of other people with whom they interacted. They sometimes perceived it in a wrong way, but I found myself to be totally okay and calm about it. At first, I did not realize that the people, who did not study with me, do not understand always these cultural differences while interacting. I always explained them the possible reason behind one´s behavior and they were very surprised because they did not have any clue. Especially after this experience, I have started realizing how much knowledge and skills the intercultural communication gave me. Furthermore, as a part of my program at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, I studied professional English, as well as…show more content…
All inters got a lot of space for their peronal, as well as professional growth. The bosses pay close attention to our ideas and take them into an account. However, I am not quite sure, if I can see myself to work here in the future. Probably as my future job I would prefer more a bigger, international corporation, where would be a better chance to develop a successful carrier. On the other hand, I really appreciate the company´s friendly, more family-wise environment, which I will probably lack in a huge corporation. I believe that I still need to work on all of my competences, because there is always a room for improvement. At the moments I think that my strengths are the communicability and ability to multitask and be hard-working. On the other hand, I always regret that I am not that assertive or confident about my own ideas. I would count these two as my biggest
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