Rice Industry In The Philippines

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Review of Related Literature and Studies Rice Industry in the Philippines Rice, being the primary food of the county, is already inculcated in the culture of every Filipino. It is not just because of its health benefits but also it is cheaper and can be easily found on local stores and markets. (Lanuza, 2013) Based on an article from International Rice Research Institute (2003), rice is yield as the most important crop because it is not only consumed by second and third-world countries but almost half of the world is consuming it. The rice industry in the Philippines is under the regulation of National Food Authority (NFA), they are in-charge in maintaining and monitoring the security, prices and supplies of the sector. (Briones and Dela…show more content…
While China tops the list which produced a total of 144,560 million tons of rice. So neither of us has to worry about its insufficiency in the future. Rice Milling As a Business Little understanding and appreciation of the rice mill business is just one of its hindrance in building one. It needs to follow policies about maintaining its prices while ensuring that they will receive good quality of rice from the consumers. This causes the business people to focus on its main product and set aside the need to improve its equipments. (Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations) Rice mill is a good business because it is widely needed by consumers and business market. According to Danypack7, one of the best producers of rice in the world market comes in India. Country that produces good quality of rice depends on the fertile soil that is needed and a wide plantation that produce big production of…show more content…
Countries in the region are still extremely concerned about rice food security and treat it very differently from other food commodities. Despite the economic boom in the region in the past three decades and the rise in income and prosperity, rice consumption remains strong across countries with some diversification away from rice in a few countries. Overall, rice consumption in Asia is projected to rise in the next two decades even with declining population growth and increasing food diversification in some Asian countries. The key to keep up with this growing demand is science and technology. (Wintonemachiner, 2014) Truly emergence of rice milling industries can open up many doors and can continuously give a lot of opportunities to people across the globe. Process of Rice Milling According to the study of Agricultural Engineering Unit International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), the objective of the rice milling is to remove the husk and bran of the paddy rice to produce white rice. This could be done through one step milling, two step milling, and multistage

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