Personal Statement Of Purpose: A Liberal Arts Education

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Many goals are set early on in the academic process and are manifested based on certain influences. In every goal determined there is a process, and sometimes the process requires research and in-depth thought as to its long term and short term benefits. As I journey throughout life, the task necessary for completing these goals becomes more specific. Many people view their goals as extremely attainable and set them in stone. For others, there is a Liberal Arts Education. A Liberal Arts education allows students to view the world in different perspectives. The education allows students to explore their options and to find what best suits their interests. A Liberal Arts Education is one that harbors new and innovative ideas into the minds…show more content…
My short term goal is to graduate Spelman College with a degree in Political Science with a concentration in urban studies and public administration. I hope to learn more about this major and eventually perform tasks in my school that can coincide with lessons learned in Political Science. Not only will Liberal Arts educations help me better find opportunities in my major, but it will help me relate other fields of study to my work in my field of study. Liberal Arts institutions focus on developing every aspect of the student. In political science, I will learn about politics and other social issues. However, classes such as African Diaspora and the World will better help me relate to the issues of more than one demographic. Many people may not see art as a viable asset in America and the world, but it is a concept that promotes change in today’s society. Classes like Glee will help me gain a better appreciation for the arts and art history. Art is a form of expression, and especially in today’s society art is used as a political, social, and economical platform. Liberal Arts Educations will challenge me to be more aware of the issues and challenge me to promote change globally. It will encourage me to look at the world in a broader perspective and not as a confined place. I do not know the details of my short-term goal,…show more content…
Graduating from a graduate program is my long term goal. Upon graduating with both my master’s and doctoral degrees, I intend on creating interactive speech pathology centers for children and young adults in urban communities. The liberal arts education I received post graduate school will have taught me to analyze things critically, compare and contrast, and develop solutions. Non-liberal arts institutions do not focus on developing all those skills. Their main goals are to learn the specific skills need for a particular major, and they usually don't relate to real life events. However, Spelman will prepare me to showcase all these skills and eventually make me more equip to oversee speech pathology centers in many

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