What Is Pop Culture In The 1940s

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Pop Culture of the 1940s We’ve all used the words cop, chicken, corny, jerk, and many more. Do you know where they originated? They all came from the 1940s. That means that your grandparents came up with these words and we are still using them today. I had the opportunity interview my grandmother about what it was like to be a teen during the 40s. I learned about the fashion and the music that teens liked during the 40s. I also learned about how our country prospered during that time. I enjoyed the interview with my grandmother and chose to highlight some of her favorite things from the 40s, including her favorite actress Judy Garland, her favorite song Stardust by Hoagy Carmichael, and one of the biggest historical events in American history WWII.…show more content…
Well, Judy Garland was that person for many people in the 1940s. Judy Garland was born on June 10,1922, in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. At a young age, she was showing major talent in the film business and signed her first movie contract when she was only 13 years old. In 1939, she starred in one of the greatest movies still today, The Wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz grossed three million dollars in the first year it was released. Not long after Garland was released from her film contract and focused on her music career releasing many more songs after that. She later died from a drug overdose in 1969. She will always be remembered as an iconic movie star and vocalist and will always be celebrated as one of the best actresses in American history. (Judy Garland
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