Mummification In Ancient Egypt

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Ancient Egyptians believed in preserving the dead bodies by the process of mummification. They did it so that the on reaching afterlife, the dead person could repossess his body. Due respect was given to the pharaohs and they were raised to the level of gods. They were therefore buried in elaborate tombs along with rich treasure i.e. golden shrines, jewelry, statues, a chariot, weapons and clothing, etc. In some cultures, it is believed that the dead have a continued existence and also have the ability to influence our fortune. Ancestors are considered to be a connecting link between the living and the god. The living tend to keep their ancestor happy at all times by offering pinda daan or making visits to their graves and leaving flowers or…show more content…
But in today’s scenario false means are used to obtain a dead body for medical purposes. People are kidnapped and killed to take out their body parts and to sell them. A doctor in Punjab is said to have given injection for dehydration to Gurkiren Kaur, citizen of England, who later died within few moments. On investigation conducted in her home city, it was found that some of her organs were missing. Hospital authorities, thus, use their patients for their own benefits and play with the lives of people. Hence, life savers have become life takers. The authorities have also failed to maintain proper conditions of the dead bodies they hold. In the hospital mortuary, Raj Kumar’s (a deceased convict) right eye went missing and ear lobes were bitten off by the rats present therein within less than 10 hours. Bodies are found to be rotting in these mortuaries and outdated and rusted tools were being used for autopsies. This also exposes employees to various infections. Moreover, the hospital authorities don’t mind trading over the dead bodies. For instance, Fortis hospital in New Delhi allegedly refused to hand over the body of a deceased 17-day-old infant to the poor parents, demanding Rs 3,500 from them to cover the
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