King Tut Research Paper

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Egypt Project Research In 1922, Howard Carter opened up King Tut’s tomb for the first time in over 3,000 years. King Tut himself was born at Akhetaten, which was the capital city of Egypt. He was born in about the year 1346 BC. King Tut became king and pharaoh at the young age of nine and ruled during the 18th dynasty when the Egyptian empire was at it’s peak. The reason that King Tut is so well known today is that his tomb, containing fabulous treasures, was found by British archaeologists Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon, and his death at a young age. His tomb contained many valuable objects, with many many decorated and covered in gold, that would be needed by the king in his afterlife. King Tut ruled for a total of nine years, which makes his death the age of eighteen. There is no distinct evidence as to the cause of his death, and researchers are still searching. Theories as to how he died includes being beaten to death or a broken leg. Since he died suddenly, his tomb was built in haste, and so it isn’t as organized. Legend has it anyone who goes into his tomb will suffer the “wrath of the mummy”.…show more content…
Evident in King Tut, Egyptians had advanced burial systems and ceremonies. The tombs they built can show how the Egyptian people believed in an afterlife, or life after death. They had to build a giant tomb, often for only one pharaoh, to protect them in the afterlife. They then had to mummify him, which is a long and drawn out process in and of itself. The mummification process often took around seventy days, and they take the pharaoh's body parts and place them in canopic jars in the corner of the tomb. The tomb is also filled with hieroglyphics, religious symbols, and paintings of Gods. This shows that the Egyptians had a complex writing style and religion. There is also a tradition to write “The Book of the Dead” on the walls, and for priests to come and perform

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