Motivational Strategies In The Language Classroom

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2.1 Motivation Motivation is one of the most important factors for learning a foreign/second language (L2). Ellis (1994) mentioned that motivation is the factor for what learners feel the need to learn language (p.715). Dörnyei and Ushioda (2011) mentioned that second language motivation is an important factor for learning any additional language. They also mentioned that in any field of knowledge, motivation is an important factor. They emphasized on practical aspects of learning language than the theories. During last two decades, researchers are found to be more interested to show that L2 learners are able to learn more if they are motivated and if their learning goal is known to them (Dörnyei & Ushioda, 2011). In order to describe L2…show more content…
Motivation researchers found that motivational strategies that teachers use can effectively influence learners’ motivation toward learning a foreign language (Banya & Cheng, 1997; Dörnyei, 1994a; Fives & Manning, 2005; Stipek, 1996). In 2001, Dörnyei presented more than 100 motivational strategies in his text, Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom. These motivational strategies could be categorized into four groups: creating the basic motivational conditions, generating initial motivation, maintaining and protecting motivation and rounding off the learning experience (encouraging positive self-evaluation). The concept of all these strategies is based on the idea that teacher’s behavior and beliefs significantly affect students’ motivation for learning a foreign language. For this reason, strategies in motivating language learners should be seen as an important aspect of motivation towards learning a foreign language. Therefore, several researches constructed and summarized motivational techniques for teachers in classroom application (e.g., Alison & Halliwell, 2002; Brown, 2001; Chambers, 1999; Williams & Burden, 1997). Moreover, Dörnyei (1994a) integrated several relevant motivational components into a multilevel second-language motivational construction, in order to understand second language motivation from an educational perspective. Based on these components, he made a practical motivational strategy list that was comprised of thirty-five strategies for helping language teachers better understand what motivates their students in the second language classroom. The result points out that not only learners’ motivation can be influenced by motivational strategies, but also that teachers play significant roles to help learners establish self-confidence and achieve successes that can crucially influence motivation (Fives & Manning, 2005; Gardner,

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