Moses Maimonides

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Moses Maimonides was a prominent leading figure amongst the Jewish congregation during the Middle Ages, were he held the position of a rabbinical arbiter. Moses is also acknowledged for his prolific role as a medieval philosopher, astronomer, physician and influential Torah scholar. When critically assessing the influence of Moses Maimonides on Judaism, it can be generally agreed that his greatest contribution was through his ideologies in books, articles, letters and in writings, which simultaneously exemplified the significance of the philosophy of Aristotle and Jewish theology. These included ‘A commentary on the Mishnah’, ‘The Book of Commandments’ and ‘The Mishneh Torah’ all of which elaborated on practical codes up held in Jewish law.…show more content…
The Mishneh Torah assisted to facilitate the study of the Torah and Talmud among the Jewish communities, thus strengthening these communities from oppression. As he delivered a contemporary codification of the Talmud, which facilitated a manageable approach to the Jewish precepts. This text composed of 14 books that was written in Hebrew, a manner which made it feasible to comprehend. He made Judaism relevant to Jews living in an Islamic world - ensuring the continuance of traditional Judaism when it was under the threat of being lost to…show more content…
He is most significantly known for his works on Jewish law as he codified the 613 Mitzvot of the Torah, thereby making it accessible and understandable to all members of the Jewish community. This provided a systematic order whereby he separated the Jewish 613 commandments into good and bad. His Commentary of the Mishneh simplified the laws and formed the 13 Principles of the Jewish Faith which became the foundation for many Jewish credal statements. His Guide for the Perplexed addressed the relationship between religion and philosophy to show that Jewish beliefs had a sound basis in rational thought. He enabled Judaism to withstand the threat from philosophy by showing that it could be open to intellectual debate and scrutiny. Maimonides concentrated on placing clear and unbiased solutions to rabbinical questions which had puzzled members of the Jewish community in the past. He sought to return to the biblical texts for the framework of his interpretations as he felt that the rabbinic sources had strayed away from their true meaning. For example, in ‘The Guide for the Perplexed’, here Maimonides deals with the issues that were confronting people at that time in regards to Jewish views about creation and God’s transcendence, as opposed to the views supported by Greek philosophy. Thus, providing leadership to scattered communities at the time when they were being

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