The Role Of Foreshadowing In The Californian's Tale

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In The Californian’s Tale a miner stopped at a cabin, the owner about forty-five of age. The cabin looked as if it had been cared for, for many years, and in the front yard there was green grass and a garden. Inside the miner knew in a moment that there was a woman taking care of the cabin, by the decoration and the tidiness. The husband brought the miner into a bedroom to wash up, and was telling him about all of his wife’s work. Nineteen was her last birthday and when they had gotten married he told the miner. She was gone visiting her family and wouldn’t be back until the miner had left, but the man was upset so he decided to stay until she returned. When the day when she was supposed to be back arrived the miner found out that the woman had been dead for many years. They were throwing a party for the husband because he thought she was coming home and when it started getting late his friends drugged him and left. There were many things that happened, and many hints foreshadowing that the wife was dead.…show more content…
When the miner entered the cabin and described what it looked like a it gives the reader a feeling right away that something isn’t right. The husband said, “All her work, she did it all herself, every bit.” This is suspicious because most husbands don’t value their wife’s work as much as he did. He saw that something was out of place and had to fix it until it was good enough for him. The miner noticed the towels in the bedroom were too white to be used on a regular basis. The clean house was suspicious because houses usually didn’t have decorations and weren’t so

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