Dead Sea Scrolls Thesis

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The Teacher of Righteousness and the Wicked Priest: An Exegetical Analysis of the “First Messiah” in the Dead Sea Scrolls This exegetical analysis of the Dead Sea Scrolls will define the appearance of the “first messiah” and the “wicked priests” that is depicted in the early Jewish community. In the translation by Michael O. Wise of the Dead Sea Scrolls finds a unique origination of the messianic tradition, which provided a set of guidelines for the Jewish community to understand the role of Judah as a rabbinic leader. This unique interpretation defines the ways in which the Dead Scrolls provided predecessors to the messianic tradition, which occur some 100 years before the arrival of Jesus Christ. More so, the increasing importance of the messianic tradition relied heavily on the rebellious…show more content…
The Son of God scroll and the revelations of the Damascus Document define the text-based evidence of the presence of a messianic figure, which tells a story of the punishment of the Wicked Priest in the community. Wise (1999) defines this example of the “first messiah’ as a important example of the arrival of the Teacher of Righteous as the Son of God. More so, the Dead Sea Scrolls define the Wicked Priest as the primary catalyst for the messianic tradition to form in other sects of Judaism, such as in the Christian tradition of Jesus. therefore, the story of the Jewish messiah has differing interpretations of the coming of a savior of the people, yet the “first messiah” theory provides concrete descriptions of the Teacher of Righteousness in thee ancient documents. These are important aspects of the “first messiah” that arise in this exegetical analysis of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the role of the Teacher of Righteousness and the Wicked Priest in the early Jewish

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