Misconceptions Of Parents Essay

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WBeing a parent has got to be the most difficult role a person could ever play in their entire life. It is a 24/7 job, no salary, no days off, it is a lifetime job, and it is a responsibility, but most parents say that it is all worth it at the end. Almost every parent would admit that there is just no perfect way to raise a child. There is no step by step instructions on how you're going to do it. People with more than two children know that each of their children is different so that would mean that they go through different approach when it comes to raising them, and that is perfectly normal. Unfortunately, some people tend to try to raise their children to be perfect, and that doesn't work out most of the time, because it is a fact that no one in this world is perfect, and no one will ever be. Parents are not perfect, so don't expect your children to be. Here are a couple of misconceptions when it comes to parenting, maybe you could learn a thing or two whether you are a new parent or not, just keep in mind that it is okay to make mistakes on parenthood. “It's not…show more content…
It definitely has to be rephrased, too much technology without proper guidance is bad for kids. As a parent, you learn to adapt to your children's generation, or else you wouldn't be able to keep up and you'll be left behind. Being able to adapt to the digital age will help you guide your children towards the good side of technology. You would know that technology must not be blamed for anything, as a parent, you are responsible for guiding your children when to you comes to using these gadgets and of course the internet. It is not ideal for little children to have their own mobile phones, it must also depend on how their character and behavior is. Guidance is what they need, and you must be the one to provide it, communicate with them well and make them understand why they need you to guide

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