Serial Killer Persuasive Essay

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Are serial killers genetically predisposed to commit murder or is it their upbringing that drives them to become killers? Humans have been killing for many years, but ever since the judicial system has been around there have been punishments created for such actions.This is where the science steps in. Are serial killers genetically predisposed to commit murder or is it their upbringing that drives them to become killers? How is a reckless killer made? In this essay I will be covering the topic of serial killers. My essay question is “Are serial killers genetically predisposed to commit murder or is it their upbringing that drives them to become killers?” I have chosen various sources to…show more content…
Such disorders include Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD), Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), and Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD) . The most common disorder present in serial killers is Antisocial Personality Disorder. This disorder is closely related with psychopathy and by definition a person with APD has a delusional way of thinking and perceiving social interactions. People with APD mistreat others and speak to people in a callous demeanour, as present in serial killers, people experiencing APD have shown a lack of empathy and find it difficult to distinguish between what is right and wrong. Another disorder which is found to be common amongst killers is Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD is a very serious psychological disorder in which a person experiences: sudden but intense mood swings, difficulties controlling their emotions, delusional theories, paranoid thoughts, and suicidal/self harming behaviours. Many symptoms make BPD a perfect accommodating disorder for committing a murder. If analysed, symptoms such as mood swings, lack of empathy and suddenly becoming paranoid and suspicious of others clash together, they are what make up for the premeditation part in a murder. Another disorder which is frequently affiliated with serial killers is…show more content…
The Brunner syndrome is a very rare recessive X-linked disorder which occurs when the MAOA gene is completely absent. This syndrome identifies itself with high levels of aggression, hyper-sexuality, and mental retardation . People affected by the brunner syndrome have attempted rape and arson, and is believed to affect the most violent serial killers. Just as MAOA, the CDH13 enzyme has also been linked to aggressive behaviors, and has been found to correspond with disorders such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Furthermore, CDH13 has been implicated in substance abuse (alcoholism, and drug addictions) which is very common amongst serial killers. For instance Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer with some of the most vile crimes ever recorded, has had severe drinking problems through out his short-lived life.Image showing the activity in the ventral striatum (responsible for pleasure) when the subject with high psychopathy was asked to imagine inflicting pain on someone. a neurotransmitter involved in many neurological processes such as depression, memory and sleep. a neurotransmitter (also related to adrenaline) in charge of controlling the nervous system (e.g raising blood pressure). a

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