Minor Characters In Romeo And Juliet

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Missing the icing on the cake is the same as not having minor characters in a story, a puzzle isn’t complete without every piece. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, there are many minor characters who play crucial roles in the play. Although they are just minor characters but their roles are definitely noticed as they affect the plot, theme and main character elements towards Romeo and Juliet. Without including them, the play would not have panned out the same; the result of the dramatic ending would have differed, they have a great deal of influence for Romeo and Juliet. They help develop and shape the major characters personality and decisions. For these reasons, the most contributional minor character in the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet…show more content…
The first event involving Tybalt is evident to us that he will be a crucial characters, as he provokes romeo to take revenge on him after the murder of Romeo's friend Mercutio. “Tybalt here slain, whom Romeo's hand did slay”. (Rom. III, I 160) After the death of Tybalt, the tone of play drastically changed in the Shakespearean tragedy, the play began to slowly fall apart, the death of Tybalt and Mercutio signified the first couple of pieces whom fell off the puzzle. Tybalt is Juliet cousin after all, he’s very hot-headed and strongly hates Montagues, it is evident that his love for his family is what leads him to his own death and provokes other characters to make wrong decisions, negotiation wasn’t an option for Tybalt. What, a drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word, As i hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.Have at thee, coward! (Rom. I, I 64) He forced many unnecessary decisions during the period he was alive , but the greatest one was when he forced Romeo and to avenge his friend and caused many griefs afterwards. Due to Romeo’s decisions he was banished from Verona, and from there on forward, the tragedy begun , when Romeo and Juliets plans were jeopardized. The complication added for Romeo and Juliet were increased shortly after, Tybalts…show more content…
They are the icing on the cake when it comes to this story. Tybalt, the Nurse and Friar Lawrence are perhaps the most influential people regarding the plot, theme, and character elements. Tybalt provokes Romeo to kill him by avenging his friend whom, causes grief to the young lovers. The nurse influences both lovers to get married and supports them all the way until Romeo killed Tybalt, causing Juliet a substantial amount of grief. The Friar acts as the puppeteer controlling the events in the play and by his own failure leads to the death of both Romeo and Juliet. All these three characters greatly influenced the play to shape the tone, theme and the major characters decisions. All having their own intentions and their own thoughts lead to the drastic ending. Mixing three flavours of icing, don’t always complement each other on top the cake. Thus is the same concept regarding these minor characters influence on the young
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