How Does Charlotte Bronte Use Pathetic Fallacy Examples In Jane Eyre

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Pathetic fallacy- a kind of personification that gives human emotions to inanimate objects of nature for example referring to weather features reflecting a mood; a means of emphasizing mood by relating it to the surrounding environment. (Mrs. Cosic, 1/8) This literary term is often used as a technique throughout the novel Jane Eyre to express the mood of individual scenes of Jane’s life. In Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, the use of pathetic fallacy helps foreshadow the mood of a scene, whether positive or negative. Throughout Bronte’s novel, the moods in the events of Jane’s life seem to be foreshadowed by the weather. For example, while Jane lived at Gateshead she explains that, “After it offered a pale blank of mist and cloud: hear, a scene

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