Analysis Of The Unwanted: A Second Iheme Kien

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Imagine living in a world where your childhood was stripped away from you and you’re not accepted and constantly rejected. It is like every time you breathe the world suffocates you with hate. No one pays attention to you because you're a bastard child. Sneered at , mocked, taunted and pushed around by those who despises you.and you're forced to swallow your pride for the better ; this was the life of Kien Nguyen.The Unwanted is a memoir of a Vietnamese American, or Asian boy , and what he experiences during the rise of the communists. Kien was born to a once wealthy mother and an American father who had it all until unfortunate events took a toll on his life. While reading these events of Ken's life. In his novel Kien clearly illustrates…show more content…
As a child Kien and his brother had a nanny, Loan, whom they adored, though their mother despised her and treated her like a low class. When they tried to escape Nhatrang the first time, Loan begged them to take her. After pleads from her father to take her, Madame Khoun unwillingly took her. “For eight years she had been a charming addition to my family, showing kindness to us all, even my mother, who despised anyone beneath her”(17). Even after the harsh treatments she gets from Madame Khoun, she stays loyal to her and the rest of the Nguyen family. Loan joins the Young Volunteers program which takes her away from her job of being a nanny. She promises to return after three years after her service. When Loan returned after the three years of running in the jungle with other women proving their dedication towards the government she had news for Madame Khoun. “...This matter concerns Miss Khoun. After the wedding, iI will be moving to the Nguyen mansion with Tran..”(151) Loan had married Tran, one of Madame Khoun’s gardeners that took away her rights to her mansion when he became the leader of nhatrang.Seizing the Khoun’s mansion was for revenge for Madam Khoun treating him badly.This idea of being kind to all has a big impact on his successful writing. This shows people not to mistreat others because one day they may become more well

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