Macbeth Character Analysis

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Macbeth is bad and Shakespeare should feel bad Overall the play “Macbeth” is, at best, just...ok. The play is sporadic at points throughout the play, the focus of the play shifts so frequently that most readers are left confused by the basic storyline of the play. This as a piece of literary work should never happen, a piece of literature should not make reader's question if the frequently skipped important information because it lessens the effect the piece will have on the reader. In “Hamlet” there are various ‘layers’ to the play, you have a basic layer which can be defined as the storyline readers will follow in which Hamlet tries to get revenge on his uncle for killing his father. Then comes the critical thinking layers in which readers…show more content…
The play isn’t a catharsis like “Hamlet” or “Romeo and Juliet” and it isn’t emotional as some of Shakespeare’s own sonnets, which is one major problem for a work of literature. The play also drops subplots that could have been interesting to readers had they been developed. In “Hamlet” readers had the minor plot of Fortinbras and Hamlet in which the two countries that both characters control are slowly falling into war and in the end Fortinbras becomes king of Hamlet’s kingdom. Subplots like those are extremely vacant in “Macbeth”. Even though there were optimal opportunities to create subplots such as Fleance and Macbeth, but after Banquo’s death Fleance is never heard from again which is saddening when it comes to the actual ending of…show more content…
The plot of “Macbeth is extremely confusing, taking some readers two or three read throughs of the play in order to finally get what is happening inside of the universe Shakespeare has created. A quick summary is King Duncan’s nation is in turmoil with in fighting hurting major political parties inside of Duncan's cabinet. During the fight Macbeth AKA thane (lord) of Glamis is in war with the traitorous thane of Cawdor. After a major battle Macbeth meets three witches that speak of prophecies of him and Banquo’s future; One of which comes true quickly which is Macbeth becoming the thane of cawdor after the death of the previous thane. Another part of the prophecy is that Macbeth will become king and after becoming thane of cawdor Macbeth decides to kill Duncan and take the throne. Macbeth then kills Banquo and attempts to kill Fleance in order to stop Banquo’s prophecy of coming true, Macbeth meets the witches again and gets more of his fate shown to him and Malcolm and Macduff decide to attack Macbeth and reclaim the throne. Macbeth fights Macduff and speaks of his prophecy of being unkillable to all borne of woman and Macduff reveals his unnatural birth and swiftly kills Macbeth. SO much is wrong with how this is told in the actual written play, Macduff barely speaks and isn’t revealed as the hero until act 5 and character motivations are all over the place, this type of randomness in a plot is unacceptable. In contrast to “Macbeth” the plot of “Hamlet” still
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