Mina In Dracula

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Apart from fulfilling the function of representing the prototype of the ideal Victorian Woman in Stoker’s novel, Mina also has important functions with regard to the male characters. By biting Mina and forcing her to drink his blood, Dracula mocks the lack of manhood of Jonathan, who is lying impotently next to them. Thus, Dracula asserts his power over the male characters by seducing and assimilating the female characters. Yet, as far as the hunting of Dracula is concerned, Mina is the one who significantly furthers his capture by noticing his physiognomic features as those of a criminal. She is aware of the theories of Lombroso, a doctor and owner of an insane asylum who was of the opinion that criminals could be recognized by their appearance…show more content…
This is clear because she does not want to bite anyone, even when Jonathan Harker and Van Helsing are in her way. Also, she does not find a child to drink the blood as Lucy does. She is moral in this way. This morality is also the reason why Mina Murray does not tell her fiancée about her transformation, in order to keep him safe and to protect him from having to make the hard choice of whether to keep her alive or kill her. She knows this would be a difficult choice because he loves her and would always want to protect her from danger. While Mina loves Jonathan in return and is upset about having to keep this secret, she does it knowing that the truth would damage their relationship. Mina’s choices, therefore, are driven by her unselfish desire to protect. The second reason that Mina lies is that Mina is a Victorian woman who wants to be a good wife for her husband and a good mother for her children. Mina hides her transformation because she want to have a good life as a human, rather than as a vampire. Mina is afraid that her fiancé will abandon her to the men to kill her. If Mina does not hide the truth from the men, she will not marry Jonathan, ruining both her own and her fiance’s hopes of a happy marriage. She wants to have a better life with her love Harker and knows this life is impossible for both of them if the truth were to be…show more content…
The group follows Dracula back to his castle where Van Helsing kills the three daughter/sister/ lovers of Dracula, Dracula himself is killed, and all return to London.” (105). Mina helps Van Helsing to kill Dracula’s lovers. Because Mina has a right view, she can help Van Helsing, and she a good leader who helps to kill the evil. Also, she is stronger enough to aid Van Helsing to give him an information about Dracula’s
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