How Is Macbeth A Good Leader

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In Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar - Mark Antony’s Funeral Speech, Antony claims that an ideal leader is one that is ambitious, honorable, and faithful. Though Macbeth fits Antony’s definition of a good leader as honorable in Act I, Antony’s definition in not befitting of Macbeth in the following Acts because Macbeth turns violent and selfishly ambitious. In Act 1, Macbeth would be classified as a good leader by Antony because he was considered an honorable, brave lord that was always ferocious in battle. Macbeth would defend his homeland no matter the circumstances. Macbeth was heroic and great in battle and earned an award because of his bravery. Angus states, “And, for an earnest of a greater honor, He bade me, from him, call thee thane of Cawdor: In which addition, hail, most worthy thane, For it is thine” (Act 1 Scene 3 Page 5). King…show more content…
Caesar cared for his people; he did not just want to be the ruler. Caesar was ambitious because he wanted Rome to succeed. He always tried to put the needs of Rome over his own. He was compassionate for the people of Rome. The people of Rome and Bruits killed Caesar. Antony states, “I found it in his closet, ‘tis his will: Let but the commons hear this testament— Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read—And they would go kiss dead Caesar” (Para. 12). This quote changes the minds of citizens when talking about Caesar. They begin to think about who is really the untrustworthy person. On the other hand, Macbeth only cared about being king. He would do anything to be king, even murder. Once he became king he wanted more which led to his downfall. Malcolm states, “I grant him bloody, Luxurious, avaricious, false, deceitful, Sudden, malicious, smacking of every sin that has a name” (Act 4 Scene 3). This shows how evil Macbeth actually is driven by selfish ambition. This proves Macbeth would not be an ideal leader at all because of the way his ambition was

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