Bram Stoker's Description Of Castle Dracula

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It Came From Transylvania Emerging out of the dark recesses of the godforsaken castle of the cruel Count Dracula in the precipices of the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania to the crowded and bustling streets of London, England. Abraham, Bram, Stoker transforms a myth as old as time into an immortal classic of literature: Dracula, has been the precedent for today’s horror genre. Stoker’s vivid descriptions of scenery, atmosphere and unique use of multiple perspectives escalates the story’s building anticipation for the thrilling conclusion to whom ultimately triumphs: the desperate and blood-thirsty vampire or the scholars-turned-hunters who pledge to end him. Consequently, one such member of the vampire-hunter crew named Jonathan Harker…show more content…
This observation made by Jonathan is later revisited when he discovers that the only exits in Castle Dracula are either through the windows, which would mean certain death, or through the entrance which suspiciously is locked, and therefore trapping Jonathan in the castle. Stoker repetitive depiction of the castle’s darkness continues the story's central theme of Death and the scene’s fearful…show more content…
She is an assistant schoolmistress, and is skilled in medium of stenography. She uses her skills to aid the Jonathan and the rest of the group in their hunt for Dracula by compiling all of events each of day into shorthand. Dr.Van Helsing describes her as, “Ah, that wonderful Madam Mina! She has man’s brain--a brain that a man should have were he much gifted--and woman’s heart. The good God fashioned her for a purpose, believe me, when He made that so good combination” (278). Van Helsing’s comment on his view of Mina is very odd considering the story’s time period, nevertheless, Mina is presented as intelligent but traditional and “pure” woman. Her purity is repeatedly remarked by the entire group of men and is the reason she is ousted from the group when they begin to close in on the Count. Although she is saddened by being booted out the group she regulates her dejection and convinces herself that her safety would relieve the men of some of their worries. Her sense of self-sacrifice becomes even more significant when she is bitten by Dracula and is in danger of becoming vampire, “if I find in myself--and shall watch keenly for it--a sign of harm to any that I love, I shall die” (343). Mina had become such a driving force behind all of the men that as soon as she became stricken with the demonic curse of vampirism

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