Similarities Between Dracula And Frankenstein

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I will analyze two Gothic Victorian novels Dracula by Bram Stoker and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. In both of the novels I will focus on the monstrous ‘Other’ of humanity. Derrida’s concept of transcendental signified is beautifully described in this novel; the identity of the other has generally been defined in terms of the central entity, be it God and man. The center also uses the other to define himself. The center creates force field in which general meanings are created. The center always defines itself in terms of in opposite which is different and at the same time, supposedly inferior to it. Transcendental signified creates many discourses, it may be social, economic or religious. Discourse is primarily a blend of the “said and non-said” (Foucault). The center determines how the other is to be seen and define. The discourse is never fixed or permanent, it is constantly changing, it has permeable boundary, and no discourse is bound. When discourses changes then the perception also change, automatically the existing system starts shifting. Stoker’s Dracula is both horror and fantasy fiction. Its strange effect comes from it is to play on human fears; about sexuality and death. Dracula is also seen as an example of Victorian gender…show more content…
Othering is basically the gaze of the center that how we decode ourselves in relation to all others. Dracula is the center and man is on periphery. Dracula is Judas Iscariot; he is going to suck the blood of humanity. Lucy falls his first victim and then Mina Harker. Dracula sucks the blood of Lucy from her throat. In Dracula blood and sperm are connected with each other. In Victorian era, blood was considered as sperm. The Victorian men were only allowed to have sex within marriage. Blood sucking is used as a metaphor for rape; it was considering a kind of rape in that

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