Difference Between Csr And Stakeholder Theory

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Theory The concept of corporate social responsibility as discussed earlier means that organizations not only have responsibilities to earn a fair return for investors and comply with the law, but also have moral, ethical and humanitarian responsibilities. Traditionally, a corporation is viewed bearing its primary, if not sole, responsibility is to its owners, or stockholders. However, CSR requires organizations to adopt a broader view of its responsibilities that includes not only stockholders, but many other constituencies as well, including employees, suppliers, customers, the local community, local, state, and federal governments, environmental groups, and other special interest groups, which…show more content…
At its simplest level, stakeholder theory has been proposed as an alternative to stockholder-based theories of organizations (Freeman, 1994). CSR AND INSTITUTIONAL THEORY Institutional theory places CSR explicitly within a wider field of economic governance characterized by different modes, including the market, state regulation etc. While CSR measures are often aimed at or utilize markets as a tool, institutional theories of the economy also see markets themselves as being socially embedded within the wider field of social networks, business associations and political rules. In particular, many of the most interesting developments in CSR today play themselves out in a social space of private, but collective forms of self-regulation. Integrating Business with Society Mapping Social…show more content…
First, a company affects society through its operations in the normal course of business: These are inside-out linkages. Not only does corporate activity affect society, but external social conditions also influence corporations, for better and for worse. These are outside-in linkages.Social conditions form a key part of competitive context within which, a company operates, and which affects a company’s ability to carry out its strategy, especially in the long-run. Competitive context garners less attention than value chain impacts but can have greater strategic importance for both companies and

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